Category Archives: Trademark Proactive

Q&A on Trademark Proactive (TP), Tipi and Indian Givers

I was delighted by the questions after I uploaded my Asia Pacific IP Forum presentation in Hong Kong to Slideshare: ‘How Social Media Challenge the Brandscape for Trademark Holders‘ in which I propose a solution for trademark holders: Trademark Proactive … Continue reading

Posted in Blogger, Dan Gobley, Facebook, ISP liability, social media, TED, TP, Trademark Law, Trademark Proactive, Twitter | Leave a comment

How Social Media Challenge the Brandscape for the Trademark Holders

Stan Abrams (China Hearsay), Chris Bailey (Rouse), Xie Lin (CUHK) and I gave presentations about the impact of Social Media on intellectual property (and vice versa). My presentation focused on social media and trademark law. In this presentation I tried … Continue reading

Posted in Facebook, LinkedIn, renren, social media, TP, Trademark Law, Trademark Proactive | Leave a comment