Trademark/Copyright Use or Abuse: Coca-Cola in Hong Kong

Do you think this use of the trademark should be allowed.

“Immoral to drink sweat and blood. Coca-Cola.”
Photo taken from the wall at Franklin Centre at CUHK Campus in Shatin, Hong Kong. It is in protest against alleged bad labour conditions at the Coca-Cola plant.
One could argue that the copyright (moral right of droit au respect de l’intégrité de l’oeuvre) of the Pulitzer Prize winning photo by Eddie Adams is infringed.

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3 Responses to Trademark/Copyright Use or Abuse: Coca-Cola in Hong Kong

  1. Anonymous says:

    No! This is disgusting. Even though the circumstances for workers might be horrible, it is not comparable to this awful execution in Viet Nam. This goes beyond the border of social critique and way beyond that of good taste.Vivana

  2. This is not abuse of a trademark, but the use of this photograph is morally repugnant. Most people who were adults during the Vietnam War will recognize the photo, which essentially depicts a cold-blooded murder. I would normally boycott a product on these grounds, but I don't drink the disgusting stuff anyway. "Tastes good, does you good" is a blatant lie.

  3. IP Dragon says:

    Thanks Vivana and Dennis. So I guess you say that the moral right (integrity of his work) of the photographer Eddie Adams is infringed by changing the context. Cheers,Danny

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