Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

First of all Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節 to you all! For those of you who did not have the pleasure of staring to the moon together with hundreds of picknicking and moon cake eating families in Victoria park here is a quick primer of the event.

IP Dragon was delighted to receive an email of Professor Peter K. Yu, who revisited the DS362, ‘Measures affecting the protection and enforcement of intellectual property in China in a paper called “The TRIPs Enforcement Dispute“. Professor Yu recommends everbody who needs to devise a strategy to improve the enforcement of IPRs in China the following principles:

1. Understand provincial and local differences;
2. Take the long view;
3. Appreciate local solutions on their own terms;
4. Don’t hide the ball (market access disputes should not be framed as intellectual property violations);
5. Beware of difference engineers (who make differences look bigger than empirical anyalisis justifies).

These principles sound all very sound to me. If you are interested in the subject of whether China is compliant to TRIPs you might want to read my thesis (of which Professor Peter K. Yu was the co-advisor).

More good news: IP Dragon, your purveyor of anything related to IP in China, was selected by the U.S. Library of Congress to be archived. The process will start next Tuesday and you can also find IP Dragon as of October via the Library of Congress.
Picture: Danny Friedmann

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