Effect of DS362 on Copyright Piracy in China Nil?

Rogier Creemers of the University of Maastricht, Faculty of Law, has written an interesting article that will be published in the forthcoming number of European Intellectual Property Review:

‘The Effects of WTO Case DS362 on Audiovisual Media Piracy in China’.
The outcome of the recent WTO case China – Intellectual Property Rights, mainly concerned with copyright matters, was touted by both the U.S. and China as a victory. Looking beyond the rhetoric, however, shows that the effect of this case on copyright piracy in the real world is limited. The article outlines the case and analyzes its effects. Furthermore, it widens the scope of analysis, to include other factors influencing IP infringements in China, which are crucial in creating and supporting copyright piracy.
You can download the 22-page article from the SSRN site here.

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