IP Dragon’s Worldwide Review of Seizures and Measures Against Counterfeit and Pirated Goods Originating from China

FThis article will be a work in progress, because everytime I will come across news about a country that seized counterfeit or pirated goods originating from China I will add the link, so that a worldwide overview will emerge. If you find articles about activities against infringed goods from China in exotic places (or if such a countery has any link with infringement originating from China), feel free to send me the links. Thanks.

Afghanistan – Islamic Republic of Afghanistan:

Albania – Republic of Albania

Algeria – People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

Ford in Algeria‘ (“By estimate, more than 50% of realized auto parts are the counterfeit production from China and in a less degree – from the Eastern Europe.”)
Andorra – Principality of Andorra

Angola – Republic of Angola

Antigua and Barbuda – Antigua and Barbuda

Argentina – Argentine Republic

Armenia – Republic of Armenia

Australia – Commonwealth of Australia

Injury risk in counterfeit goods, Cowry Community News, May 2, 2011.

Austria – Republic of Austria

Tanja Miscevic, Produktpirateriebericht: Markenfälschungen nehmen weiter zu Apotheker warnen vor falschen Medikamenten im Internethandel, APA-OTS, April 1, 2011.

Azerbaijan – Republic of Azerbaijan

The Bahamas – Commonwealth of The Bahamas

Bahrain – Kingdom of Bahrain

Bangladesh – People’s Republic of Bangladesh


Belarus – Republic of Belarus

Belgium – Kingdom of Belgium


Benin – Republic of Benin

Bhutan – Kingdom of Bhutan

Bolivia – Republic of Bolivia

Bosnia and Herzegovina – Bosnia and Herzegovina

Botswana – Republic of Botswana

Phillips, Jeremy, ‘Poison toothpaste alert in Botswana‘, Afro-IP, January 25, 2008.

Brazil – Federative Republic of Brazil

Brunei – Negara Brunei Darussalam

Bulgaria – Republic of Bulgaria

Counterfeit goods come mostly from China, Turkey, Hong Kong and Dubai, Focus News Agency, March 20, 2011.

Burkina Faso – Burkina Faso

Burma – Union of Myanmar

Burundi – Republic of Burundi

Cambodia – Kingdom of Cambodia

Cameroon – Republic of Cameroon

Gemnda Buinda, Diplomacy: Chinese Minister Visits Cameroon, RTV, March 28, 2011.
Canada – Canada
Public cautioned about China‘, CBC News, December 7, 2010.

Cape Verde – Republic of Cape Verde

Central African Republic

Chad – Republic of Chad

Chile – Republic of Chile

China – People’s Republic of China: it can be argued that the People’s Republic of China is the greatest victim of the infringements originating in China.

Wang Guanqun, China seizes counterfeit commodities worth 1.55 bln yuan in 2008, Xinhua, March 14, 2009

Colombia – Republic of Colombia

Comoros – Union of the Comoros

Congo – Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa)

Congo – Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville)

Costa Rica – Republic of Costa Rica

Côte d’Ivoire – Republic of Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)

Croatia – Republic of Croatia

Cuba – Republic of Cuba

Cyprus – Republic of Cyprus

Czech Republic

Denmark – Kingdom of Denmark

Djibouti – Republic of Djibouti

Dominica – Commonwealth of Dominica

Dominican Republic

East Timor – Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

Ecuador – Republic of Ecuador

Egypt – Arab Republic of Egypt

Dalia Ziada, China’s fake hymen: blessing and curse, October 9, 2009.

FredOrange, Mug Shot – China – The Art of Faking a Fake, November 7, 2009.

El Salvador – Republic of El Salvador

Equatorial Guinea – Republic of Equatorial Guinea

Eritrea – State of Eritrea

Estonia – Republic of Estonia

Ethiopia – Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Fiji – Republic of the Fiji Islands

Finland – Republic of Finland

France – French Republic

Gabon – Gabonese Republic

The Gambia – Republic of The Gambia


Germany – Federal Republic of Germany

Ghana – Republic of Ghana

Greece – Hellenic Republic


Guatemala – Republic of Guatemala

Guinea – Republic of Guinea

Guinea-Bissau – Republic of Guinea-Bissau

Guyana – Co-operative Republic of Guyana

Haiti – Republic of Haiti

Honduras – Republic of Honduras

Hong Kong – special administrative region of Hong Kong

Hungary – Republic of Hungary

Iceland – Republic of Iceland

India – Republic of India

Indonesia – Republic of Indonesia

Iran – Islamic Republic of Iran

Iraq – Republic of Iraq


Israel – State of Israel

Italy – Italian Republic

AFP via Plush, ‘Italian police bust Chinese-Senegalese counterfeiting ring‘, November 7, 2009.

IANS/AKI via India Talkies, ‘400,000 counterfeit toys seized in Italy‘, November 11, 2010.


Japan – State of Japan

Jordan – Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Kazakhstan – Republic of Kazakhstan

Kenya – Republic of Kenya

Phillips, Jeremy, ‘China blames Kenya for buying its fakes‘, Afro-IP, April 30, 2008.
Wambui, Sarah, ‘US worried by China exports to Kenya‘, December 10, 2010.
Kiribati – Republic of Kiribati

Korea, North – Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea)

Korea, South – Republic of Korea (South Korea)

Kosovo – Republic of Kosovo

Kuwait – State of Kuwait

Kyrgyzstan – Kyrgyz Republic

Laos – Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Latvia – Republic of Latvia

Lebanon – Republic of Lebanon

Lesotho – Kingdom of Lesotho

Liberia – Republic of Liberia

Libya -Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Great Jamahiriya

Liechtenstein – Principality of Liechtenstein

Lithuania – Republic of Lithuania

Luxembourg – Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Macao special administrative region of Macao

Macedonia – (Former Yugoslav) Republic of Macedonia

Madagascar – Republic of Madagascar
Malawi – Republic of Malawi
Kent Ong, Fake Seaweed from China in Malaysian Market, Seaweed Nutrition Data and Information Malaysia, September 16, 2009.
Maldives – Republic of Maldives
Mali – Republic of Mali
Malta – Republic of Malta
Marshall Islands – Republic of the Marshall Islands

Mauritania – Islamic Republic of Mauritania

Mauritius – Republic of Mauritius
Mexico – United Mexican States
Micronesia – Federated States of Micronesia
Moldova – Republic of Moldova

Monaco – Principality of Monaco

Morocco – Kingdom of Morocco
Mozambique – Republic of Mozambique
Namibia – Republic of Namibia

Kaeven ka Aipinge, Pohamba’s China Stance Disappoints, Namibia Economist

Kaseven ka Aipinge

Nauru – Republic of Nauru
Nepal – Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Flag of the Netherlands The Netherlands – Kingdom of the Netherlands
Nicaragua – Republic of Nicaragua
Niger – Republic of Niger
Nigeria – Federal Republic of Nigeria
Olivier, Darren, ‘Nigeria textile industry under threat from China fakes‘, Afro-IP, October 27, 2008.
Okonji, Emma, ‘Curbing menace of counterfeit ICT devices‘, Daily Independent, September 27, 2010.
Norway – Kingdom of Norway
Oman – Sultanate of Oman
Pakistan – Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Palau – Republic of Palau
Panama – Republic of Panama
Papua New Guinea – Independent State of Papua New Geuinea
Paraguay – Republic of Paraguay
Peru – Republic of Peru
Philippines – Republic of the Philippines
Poland – Republic of Poland
Portugal – Portuguese Republic
Qatar – State of Qatar
Russia – Russian Federation
Saint Kitts and Nevis – Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis
Saint Lucia

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Samoa – Independent State of Samoa

San Marino – Republic of San Marino
São Tomé and Príncipe – Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe
Saudi Arabia – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Senegal – Republic of Senegal
Serbia – Republic of Serbia
Seychelles – Republic of Seychelles
Sierra Leone – Republic of Sierra Leone
Singapore – Republic of Singapore

Raymond Lau, Thousands of pirated Microsoft software confiscated in a police raid, Techgoondu, April 9, 2011.

Slovakia – Slovak Republic

Slovenia – Republic of Slovenia
Solomon Islands

Somalia – Federal Republic of Somalia

South Africa – Republic of South Africa
Spain – Kingdom of Spain
Sri Lanka – Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Sudan – Republic of the Sudan
Suriname – Republic of Suriname
Swaziland – Kingdom of Swaziland
Sweden – Kingdom of Sweden
Switzerland – Swiss Confederation
Syria – Syrian Arab Republic
Taiwan – Republic of China
Tajikistan – Republic of Tajikistan
Tanzania – United Republic of Tanzania

Phillips, Jeremy, ‘China condemns its own export of fakes to Tanzania‘, Afro-IP, August 14, 2008.

Thailand – Kingdom of Thailand
Friedmann, Danny, IP Dragon, China Bad News for Thailand’s Counterfeit Manufacturers, November 28, 2007

Pataya People newspaper Thailand, Goods confiscated from Tukcom

Togo – Togolese Republic
Tonga – Kingdom of Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago – Republic of Trinidad an Tobago
Tunisia – Tunisian Republic
Turkey – Republic of Turkey


Uganda – Republic of Uganda
Phillips, Jeremy, ‘Ugandan authorities squeeze imported toothpaste tubes‘, Afro-IP, June 3, 2009.
Samuel Sanya and David Sempijja, Absence of Counterfeit Laws Hurts Business, New Vision, March 16, 2011.
Francis Kagolo, China cracks down on fake products, New Vision, April 10, 2011.


United Arab Emirates – United Arab Emirates
Kawach, Nadim, ‘Abu Dhabi moves against fake Chinese mobile phones‘, Emirates Business 24/7, May 6, 2009
United Kingdom – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Ben Hirschler, British man jailed after record fake medicine bust, Reuters.
Bradford man cleared of fake medicine scam, Wiltshire Times, April 11, 2011. 

Friedmann, Danny, Also So Much To Do in IP in the USA! Happy World IP Day to All!, IP Dragon, April 26, 2010
Uruguay – Eastern Republic of Uruguay
Uzbekistan – Republic of Uzbekistan
Vanuatu – Republic of Vanuatu
Vatican City – State of the Vatican City
Venezuela – Bolivarian Republic of Venezuala
Vietnam – Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Yemen – Republic of Yemen
Zambia – Republic of Zambia
Zimbabwe – Republic of Zimbabwe

About ipdragonimport

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2 Responses to IP Dragon’s Worldwide Review of Seizures and Measures Against Counterfeit and Pirated Goods Originating from China

  1. Skribinto says:

    Thus you are going to have much to do 😉

  2. IP Dragon says:

    Dear Skribinto,Yes you are right about that. From you profile I saw that you are from Germany. So you could help me… What about contributing a link about seizures and measures in Germany against IP infringing goods originating from China, if you want? Thanks for considering this.Cheers,Danny Friedmann

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