Canton Fair Bans IP Infringers For Up to 4 Times, Camera Phones Make IP Infringement Too Easy

Many intellectual property owners have a dilemma. They have a product they want the world to show their product, but they don’t want the world to copy it. This problem is especially urgent at fairs and exhibitions. Zhan Lisheng and Jiang Wei of China Daily report that the organizing committee of the 102nd China Import and Export Fair (CIEF), commonly known as Canton Fair, will ban those who breach IPR of future exhibition opportunities. Read more here.

However, Xiong Qu of CCTV International clarified it in ‘Fair Trade Stresses IPR Protection’ that IP infringers can be suspended for up-to four-times from the trade fair under specific conditions. Besides, all participating companies must formally agree not to violate such rights. And fair organizers are cracking down harder on those who break the agreement. Read the CCTV International article which includes a video about it (IP Dragon was not able to see it) here.

The preparatory phase of IP infringement at fairs and exhibitions in practice:

Tony has shipped in every one of his cushion designs to dazzle the world’s biggest retailers. But he is in a tricky situation. He must filter out the genuine buyers … from those he expects to steal his designs. In the series ‘Brits get rich in China’ you see Tony try to stop the “cushion paparazzi” pretending to talk through their camera phones but in fact making photos of the cushion designs. See the preparatory phase of IP infringement for yourself in the third episode of ‘Brits get rich in China’ here.

Ryan Beers working at the Shenzhen office of Lehman Lee & Xu warns visitors to perform due diligence on potential suppliers: Often they are from outlying provinces and far from Guangzhou. In the event that due diligence is not performed on such suppliers, do not expect to be able to automatically pursue them via future fairs or by contacting nearby professional assistance. Read Beers’ blog about it on the China Blawg here.

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