China’s New National Strategy On IPR Protection Will Come Out First Half 2007

Luan Shanglin of Xinhua reports: “China’s national strategy on IPR protection will come out in the first half of this year. It is composed of 20 topics and one guideline, covering system building, law enforcement, talents training and public awareness regarding the IPR protection.”

Read more about the two-day Global Forum on Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Innovation which opened in Beijing last Tuesday here.

Good strategy, bad tactics?

Is seems the release of new strategies are getting a much higer frequency. Before, in 1995 and 2006 China’s action plans were released. However, to have a good strategy does not necessarily mean it will be performed well.


The article ‘Focus of IPR strategy to be broadened’ in the China Daily said:

The government is expected to widen its focus on intellectual property rights (IPR) from protection-only to creation, utilization and protection of innovation, with the release of its long-awaited strategy.

The national strategy on IPR, which aims to safeguard the transition to an innovative nation, has been in the pipeline since January 2005 and has involved 28 agencies within the central government.

State IPRs part of strategy?
Niu Wenyuan, chief scientist on sustainable development with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, proposed to have a national procurement system to buy those innovations, which are critical to the nation, but do not have any immediate commercial returns, as well as build an efficient IPR transfer network.

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