After Track Record in China Leong May-Seey becomes IFPI’s Asia Director

The International Federation of Phonogram and Videogram Producers (IFPI), a lobby group of the recording industry that fights piracy, chose Leong May-Seey as regional director for Asia.

May-Seey will co-ordinate IFPI’s priorities across Asia, ranging from legal policy and government affairs to helping develop the digital music business and unlocking the music market of mainland China. She oversees the activities of ten national groups in the region as well as IFPI’s representative office in Beijing.

May-Seey has played a leading role in IFPI’s operations in Asia in recent years, in particular setting up national collecting societies for performance royalties and more recently preparing a robust industry strategy to tackle Internet piracy in China.

Read IFPI’s press message here.

Wikipedia’s description of IFPI here.

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